“We're Friends ‘Til The End!”

Cnc plotter with Arduino, stones, polaroid picture

50 x 60 cm


[forgetting about the cigarette in his left hand]

Tv screen, glass head, wires, laptop

Various in size


John Wayne this!

Vinyl wall-sticker, YouTube stills printed on acrylic glass

230 x 110 cm


Detroit jellybean 2022 Triplex, acrylic, latex, neon-pigment 100 cm x 70 cm
Is googoo laguu a pagan? 2018 Metal, plaster, styrofoam, glass, led-light, neongreen pigments 250 x 180 x 50 cm
Seeing Rear windows 2021 Aquarium, screen-wash, fountain pump 60 x 35 x 30 cm
Seeing Rear windows 2021 Triplex, led light, acrylic 100 x 70 cm
Untitled angry 2021 Acrylic paint, spray paint
Deconstructed information 2021  installation variable size MDF fibers, Overhead projector
Deconstructed information 2021  installation variable size MDF fibers, Overhead projector
Deconstructed information 2021  installation variable size MDF fibers, Overhead projector
Deconstructed information (Left) 2021  installation variable size MDF fibers, Overhead projector   Seeing rear windows (Right) 2021 70 x 100 cm Triplex, led lights, acrylic
Seeing rear windows 2021 70 x 100 cm Triplex, led lights, acrylic
It's A doozy 2021 70 x 100 cm Triplex, led lights, acrylic, metal, projector
ikhyf 2022 Epoxy, rubber, aluminum, screenwash, fountain pump, glass 22 cm x 35 cm x 35 cm